Installation - Windows Software

Agree to the License after starting the msi package

Enter your account credentials and confirm with "Authenticate"

Select your Organization and Gateway

Confirm the installation of a virtual network adapter

After installing the software, the browser will open at https://localhost:5443/.
Wait until the Gateway is ready,

Click on the "Your gateway is ready" field and login with "admin" as password

If you skipped registration at the installation procedure, you need to enter your Portal Credentials and proceed with next

Load your Organization, that is assigned to your Portal Account, from the drop down list

Load your Gateway, that you have created in the Portal Account

The SimplexGate Software will now establish a secure VPN connection to the REDDOX Cloud and your webservices are available.

The SimplexGate Software does not store any configuration, so you can easily install the appliance and register again.
This is especially useful, if you decide to switch SimplexGate from one host to another or a virtual machine.
Just make sure that there is only one SimplexGate instance connected to your Portal Gateway.